Teemo I love you (경단대가족 패러디)

딩동딩 2013. 3. 9. 17:25

Teemo I Love You 가사

Teemo, Teemo, Teemo, Teemo

Teemo, I love you!

Teemo, Teemo, Teemo, Teemo, 

Cotton Tail, Happy Elf, Astronaut!

Badger, Recon, Superhero -

I love all your skins!

Where are you hiding now, my little yordle?

I want to play with you today!

Mushrooms blew up in my face and then I died.


You're my favorite champion, I instalock you

and watch you shoot darts out of your bamboo

You're so cute and fluffy, I just want to take you home

Go to sleep with you in my arms. 

Even if the playerbase thinks you're annoying 

I will always choose you, that is my choice!

You are number one to me, I love you very much

and I hope you love me too~

Teemo I Love YouTeemo i love you

경단대가족 패러디라는데 잘 모르겠다. 뭐지 그게.. 암튼 티모는 귀엽당

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